Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Movie Review

While George Lucas had already made several films that would make the average sane moviegoer question his capabilities, that didn't stop the hype train from going full steam ahead during the late 90s, when news of a new Star Wars prequel trilogy first came. Telling the story of Anakin Skywalker, who everyone already knew would become Darth Vader

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Creed Movie Review

Rocky Balboa was supposed to be "The Last Rocky Movie." Then again, so was Rocky V, Rocky II and Rocky, so screw it let's make another. Except it's not another Rocky movie, no no no this is a new series entirely, Creed, starring Michael B Jordan as the son of the deceased former heavyweight champion of the world. Of course this means no one think

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Nature Unleashed Earthquake Movie Review

Another "Naturesploitation" movie out of Nu Image Films, Nature Unleashed: Earthquake.. or.. Earthquake: Nature Unleashed, is a generic movie with a bit more shakey cam than usual. Of course, earthquakes are unpredictable and not an easily solved problem.. (blog) so.. they focused on an entirely different issue instead!Source: Nature Unleashed Ea

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Horror Movie Spoofing

The Revenant (2015) - This epic survival film is one of the most stunning visuals to viewing. Leonardo DiCaprio gives a powerhouse performance as a fur trapper, who's left to die in the wilderness. The cinematography along with the direction of Alejandro G. Inarritu are exceptional. (blog post)

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